A quick recipe I use to make fettuccine alfredo. ^^ Very simple and generally fuss-free...I think.
(This is just something I make at home, so it's really not stylish or anything...)
Ingredients: One bottle of alfredo sauce. (I generally use Leggo's as it's really yummy)
One packet (500g) of fettuccine.
Maybe..300g of mushrooms? The fresh ones?
One onion.
Um...salt and generally whatever you use to spice up the sauce. O.o And grated parmesan cheese. I always have that as well.That's the alfredo ready-made sauce I always use.
I prefer fresh mushrooms, but canned mushrooms will do if we don't have any. Look, Coles! XD
I set one pot of water to boil first, then start chopping up the onions and mushrooms. It's better to chop the onions really finely, though...
When the water boils, I pour in some olive oil (to stop the fettuccine from sticking together - spaghetti doesn't do that, but fettuccine does. O.o). I then slide in the fettuccine and stick the lid back on to let it boil, and I turn the heat down so it doesn't overspill.
Maybe ten minutes later, I shake some salt in.
Meanwhile, I turn to another pot, where I'm going to heat the sauce in. I pour in olive oil, and start frying the onions. After it's gotten all fragrant (like only onions can) I dump in the mushrooms and clash them around for a bit.
Then I open the bottle of sauce and pour it all in. I rinse the inside with water and dump that in the pot, too. XD I then add more water...because I don't want the sauce to be too thick.
While letting the sauce simmer, I check the fettuccine. If it's cooked, I drain it and leave it in the pot. Usually, I leave the fettuccine and sauce separate.
When the sauce boils, I add salt and turn off the gas/heat. We can have dinner now! ^_^
This is a very rough outline of what I do when I cook fettuccine alfredo. If anyone wants me to, I can probably clean this up and put it in dot form, although it's pretty short. ^^'
See the final product?I'm hungry~ *whine*