Do you often take photographs on your phone camera? Enjoy photography? Want a place to post your insane, weird, funny pictures and ramble about them? Join Stuff of Sorts! ^_^ Email rage-chan and get added to the list of authors.

The photo junkie that I am wants to share the wonders that can be achieved with a camera phone.

Falling water just conveys an indescribable feeling to me. =)

The side view of a pink moss rose. I think these flowers are really pretty, because of the contrast of colours in the blossom itself. And the petals are unbelievably delicate.

The humble blossom.

Beautiful, is all I can say.

The standard rose flower. I think it's okay, but I prefer my moss roses.

I like these twin flowers! X)

A wild orchid growing on an elegant mango tree. I like this picture, because the orchid is framed by the mango leaves, and set against a half-cloudy sky, that foretells a thunderstorm.

See the beautiful deep pink against the light peach hues of this lovely moss rose.

I had to take a snapshot of this. Doesn't it look artificial? Well here's news : It's real.

A pink moss rose. It's deep centre radiates out gently, fading to a pleasant white on the outermost petals.

The light glints off gently on this one. It's almost reflective.

I snapped a few photos from the air. This is what I like to call the raging sea of clouds.

And this is the same sea, calmed down.

A beautiful sunrise.

My origami flower under negatives.

My beloved mint plant.

And this has been Vio-chan with her mediocre photography skills. =O Ta.


  1. rage-chan said...
    I think the origami flower one is the best!! Followed by the sunset and clouds. Very pretty. ^^
    Vio-chan said...
    thank you. If you ever come to Singapore, I'll fold one for you. But it's not going to look exactly the same, because it was taken under negatives.
    Anonymous said...
    Wah, pwetty picture!!! 8O
    They're all -so- very lovely- the flowers, the mint, all of them! But I would have to say that my fav are the cloud photos! I love sky pics!!! XD

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